Common Security Clubs

These are uncertain times.

Have you been told that your success or failure is up to you?

That if you’re having a difficult time, it’s because you’re not working hard enough?

That you’re alone in determining whether you sink or swim?


We can face these challenges alone —
or come together and
deal with them.

The Great Recession has reminded us all of our vulnerabilities.

Do you have a feeling that our economy will never go back to “how it was before”?

And maybe you feel that you don’t want it to go back to how it was.

Do you ever feel you’re all alone in struggling with the new economic realities?

Do you want to do something about it?

“Common Security Clubs” are a grassroots response to these questions. 
More about Common Security Clubs…

We come together

to educate ourselves about the new economy,
to create networks of mutual support, and
to foster social change.

Suquamish Congregation will sponsor a series of six meetings on Common Security Clubs. The first of these is scheduled for June 17.

Please join us.

Location:  Suquamish UCC  (Map)

Date:  Friday, June 17

Time:  7:00 pm

Cost:   Free

For more information: Call (360) 598-4434.


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Kirtan Celebration

Shamanic Soul — Niobe Weaver
and Gilbert Yslas

An evening of
music, chanting, dance, and
inspired movement
Bring your drums, your voice,
and your authentic self!

Together let us celebrate the Season!

Cost: $10 donation

No pre-registration

What is Kirtan?
It is call-and-response chanting performed in India’s devotional traditions. The rhythmic quality of this call-and-response chanting kindles a joyful mood and can lead to profound states of meditation.
Location: Suquamish UCC
18732 Division Ave.
Suquamish, WA 98392
Questions? Contact
Niobe: 360-626-3141
or Gil: 360-626-9015

For more information: Call (360) 598-4434.

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